Give Online
Giving online is simple and secure. If you would like to make a one-time or recurring donation via debit/credit card or bank account transfer (ACH), simply click the “Give Now” button below.
Text to Give
Simply text the dollar amount you would like to give to 84321. If you’ve never set up Text-to-Give, you’ll be prompted to select Salina First United Methodist Church and add a payment method.
Learn more about giving via text →
In Person
During our worship services you can give a personal check or cash during the offering. Just fill out a giving envelope available in the pews. You can also mail your tithes and offerings to the church office or drop them off in person.
Still have questions?
Click the button below to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or email us at
To give to Love Salina, you can give in any of the normal was listed above, just be sure to mark that you want it to go to Love Salina and not to the normal offering. If you text in your offering, you can do this by texting “love” along with the amount. If you send in a check, just put “love” or “Love Salina” in the memo line. If you have anymore questions, feel free to call the church (785-825-0228) or email Rhonda (
Love Salina is a combined ministry between many churches in the Salina community. The purpose of this new ministry is to help local people in need more effectively and create an opportunity for churches to work together in connecting people throughout Salina to God.
The mission of Love Salina is to demonstrate the love of Christ by providing compassionate and caring assistance to individuals and families in their time of need. It was evident from the number of people asking for financial assistance from local churches, that something must be done by the faith community to care for our brothers and sisters in need. Thus, Love Salina was thought up as an expression of the local body of Christ to assist with: Utilities, Rent Assistance, Prescription Medication, and Transportation Assistance.
When a person comes into Love Salina, they will meet with a volunteer trained to assist with prayer, intake, compassionate presence, and follow up. This is a wonderful opportunity for churches to combine in service to not only assist those in need financially, but also spiritually!
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”